Ace Attorney Investigations Collection In-Game Music (Arranged) - Five Tracks Set

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/06/2024
  • Action & Adventure
  • 0.01 Go

Preis von Ace Attorney Investigations Collection In-Game Music (Arranged) - Five Tracks Set ansehen

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This DLC contains the following:

In-Game Music (Arranged) - Five Tracks Set

Five arranged tracks will be added to the game.

Track List:

- Confrontation - Allegro 2011
- Confrontation - Presto 2011
- Miles Edgeworth - Objection! 2011
- Pursuit - Uncover the Truth
- Pursuit - Uncover the Truth (No Intro)

Go to the Options menu and under Audio → Soundtrack, select "Arranged" to use these tracks in-game.
You can also listen to them in the Gallery's "Music Collection" section.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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