Aquadirt Racer Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 23/03/2023
  • Racing & Flying, Family & kids
  • 0.01 Go

Preis von Aquadirt Racer Pack ansehen

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Pre-order LEGO 2K Drive and get access to the Aquadirt Racer pack including a street car, off-road vehicle and boat.

The Aquadirt Racer pack is included as part of the LEGO 2K Drive Awesome and Awesome Rivals Editions.

*Pre-order bonus offer available for LEGO 2K Drive Standard Edition and Cross-Gen Standard Edition through May 18 2023. Offer is for the Aquadirt Racer pack which includes one (1) Aquadirt Racer Street Car, one (1) Aquadirt Racer Off-road Car and one (1) Aquadirt Racer Boat. The Aquadirt Racer Pack is included in the Awesome Edition and Awesome Rivals Editions. For physical pre-orders, content will be redeemed in game via a code provided in box. For digital pre-orders, content will be automatically entitled in game . Terms apply.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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