Armored Warfare - AMX-10P PAC 90 Merc Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 02/08/2018
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Strategy, Simulation
  • 0.01 Go

Preis von Armored Warfare - AMX-10P PAC 90 Merc Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer ansehen

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The AMX-10P PAC 90 Merc is the third Tank Destroyer of the Merc series. The 90mm GIAT gun gives this AMX-10P a serious punch and makes it a dangerous opponent for all vehicles around its Tier in Armored Warfare. It is also very light and agile, making it a suitable introduction to the Tank Destroyer class for every player.

All Merc vehicles come with unique black “Mercenary” camouflage. Premium vehicles provide a number of bonuses to their users, including better Matchmaking and improved progression rate.

(Source :

Armored Warfare - AMX-10P PAC 90 Merc Tier 4 Premium Tank Destroyer ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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