Avanti Savoia Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 30/08/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Simulation
  • 0.01 Go

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The ‘Avanti Savoia’ pack introduces two iconic uniforms to Isonzo with the “Maggiore General” for the Italians and the “Generalmajor” for the Austro-Hungarians. There are also two impressive mustaches and two facial items, plus one face for each faction.

The ‘Avanti Savoia’ pack contains 10 items:
- 1 Italian Uniform
- 1 Italian Headgear Item
- 1 Austro-Hungarian Uniform
- 1 Austro-Hungarian Headgear Item
- 2 Facial Items
- 2 Mustaches
- 2 Faces (one per faction)

There is a high ranking staff officer uniform as a selectable officer outfit for each faction, including the iconic outfit of the Maggiore General, a look vividly depicted in the film of Lussu's novel: "A Year on the Plateau".

For the Austro-Hungarians there is the Generalmajor’s impressive greatcoat with iconic fur collar.

In addition to the uniforms there are two mustaches in the ‘Avanti Savoia’ pack, including the fan-favorite mustache sported by Russian general "Rennenkampf", which was voted most epic by the WW1 Game Series community in 2021. For facial items the pack has a prestigious apple pipe fitting for staff officers, and to read their frontline maps better there are pince-nez glasses in the style worn by famous writer "Anton Chekov".

The ‘Avanti Savoia’ pack gives any player a commanding set of customization options.


(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Avanti Savoia Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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