Battleborn Season Pass

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 03/05/2016
  • Shooter

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The Battleborn Season Pass gives you 5 Story Operations, including “Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion,” “Toby's Friendship Raid,” and “Oscar Mike vs The Battle School;” access to 5 additional heroes; digital bonuses; AND an exclusive gold skin for Alani and Cyber skin for Toby.

A tremendous band of badass heroes fight to protect the universe’s last star from mysterious evil in this next-gen shooter by the creators of Borderlands.

Battleborn has a deep roster of 25 playable heroes. Every hero has their own personality and comes equipped with unique weapons and powers.

Battleborn's Story Mode is a narrative experience that can be played entirely singleplayer, and can be played cooperatively with friends both splitscreen and online.

Battleborn's team-based competitive multiplayer can be experienced by up to 10 players online in 5v5 matches, and includes four distinct multiplayer modes – Incursion, Capture, Meltdown, and Face-Off.

This content can only be used by the original purchaser and cannot be shared. Additional profiles may purchase this content in-game or through xbox.com.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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