Battlefield™ Hardline

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/03/2015
  • Shooter
  • 48.92 Go

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To purchase this game, please select the Battlefield Hardline Deluxe or Standard Edition. Be the law or break the law in Battlefield Hardline. This action-packed blockbuster combines intense signature multiplayer moments of Battlefield with an emotionally charged story and setting reminiscent of a modern television crime drama.
In a visceral single-player campaign you’ll play the role of Nick Mendoza, a young detective who embarks on a cross-country vendetta, seeking revenge against once trusted partners on the force.
In multiplayer you’ll hunt criminals, raid vaults, and save hostages in new cop and criminal inspired modes like Heist and Rescue.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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