Black Desert - [Special] 6,600 Pearls

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/06/2023
  • Role Playing

Preis von Black Desert - [Special] 6,600 Pearls ansehen

Dieses Spiel wurde seit 96h Stunden nicht aktuallisiert. Eine Preisaktuallisierung ist in Bearbeitung
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Contents included in the Black Desert - [Special] 6,600 Pearls:
- Pearl Box - 6000+600 x1
- 10% Discount Coupon
- Cron Stone x300

Additional Notices:
- Pearls can be used within the in-game Pearl Shop to purchase various items.
- Please note that access passes are not included in this package.
- Items included in this pack will exclusively be distributed on servers that align with the region of purchase.
- You cannot receive a refund once the item is opened.
- Content of this product can only be redeemed once per Xbox Store account. If you have already purchased or redeemed the product, please note that you will not be able to receive additional content even if it is gifted to you.

(Source :

Black Desert - [Special] 6,600 Pearls ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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