Blacksad: Under the Skin

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/12/2019

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Pre-order bonus: Yesterday Origins.

The 50s, New York City: Joe Dunn, owner of a boxing club, is found dead.
Meanwhile, rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight of his career, has mysteriously disappeared.
Sonia Dunn, Joe’s daughter, takes over the gym and must deal with its financial woes. She hires private detective John Blacksad to investigate Yale’s disappearance. This sinister case will take our investigator to the darkest, most dismal depths of New York.
With its anthropomorphic characters and its incredible 1950s feel, BLACKSAD: Under the Skin promises all the eerily dark adventure of a detective novel, just like the eponymous comic book series.
Conduct the investigation in your own way. Make use of your feline senses as you hunt for new clues. Make decisions on behalf of Blacksad and influence the outcome of the case.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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