Bless Unleashed: Ultimate Founder's Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 12/02/2020

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Get a head start and be one of the first to leap into the world of Lumios with the Bless Unleashed: Ultimate Founder's Pack! This Founder Pack unlocks 15 days of head start access before launch, an exclusive Founder's title, unique mounts, and more!

Bless Unleashed will be available to play on February 26, 2020 10 a.m. PST for Ultimate Founder's Pack purchasers.

The Ultimate Founder's Pack contains:
15 Day Headstart Access to Bless Unleashed
Exclusive Founder's Title "Pyreborn"
3 Epic Mounts
- Ivory Unicorn
- Ironclad Rhino
- Inferno Stallion
2 Epic Costume Sets
- Gilded Enforcer
- Crimson Slayer
Epic Crimson Weapon Set
90 Day Valor Perks (daily Lumena rewards and increased in-game buffs)
2,000 Lumena
2 Additional Character Slots

Bless Unleashed is the premier next-generation action MMORPG, coming first to Xbox One. Journey across a vibrant persistent world to take on -- and survive -- vicious, lethal monsters that inhabit this untamed landscape. Choose between one of five classic classes, each with its own combo-driven combat experience, handcrafted for online play. Gather your party to explore and survive a richly detailed world of dangerous beasts and divine secrets.

Bless Unleashed launches on March 12, 2020.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Bless Unleashed: Ultimate Founder's Pack


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