Chef Life - AL FORNO EDITION Pre-Order

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/03/2023

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Preorder now and receive the BON APPÉTIT pack

The AL FORNO edition of Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator contains the base game and the following content planned for March:

A new type of dish to add to your restaurant menu: pizza
- A new cooking station to make delicious pizzas: wood-fire oven
- 8 pizza recipes (with 3 upgrade levels each): Neapolitan, vegetarian, seafood, cheese, spicy, BBQ, Hawaiian, mountain

Over 65 items for transforming your restaurant into an authentic Italian pizzeria:
- To decorate your restaurant: counters, wallpaper, floors, accessories, wall lights, etc.
- To enhance your dining tables: chairs, tables, tablecloths
- To embellish your platings
- To customize the look and outfit of your chef

(Source :

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Chef Life - AL FORNO EDITION Pre-Order


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