Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/11/2017

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Save money on content for this game by purchasing the Season Pass. Content can be downloaded in-game or from Windows Store as and when available.

Build the city of your dreams in Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition! Play as the mayor of your city and design things your way -- lay out roads, balance citizens’ needs, and grow from a quiet town to a bustling metropolis. From extensive traffic management and transportation systems to tourism and civic policy, Cities: Skylines combines challenge with creativity for a game experience like no other.

The Premium Edition includes the original Cities: Skylines base game and the After Dark expansion along with a full bundle of added content, yours to download as they release! These include:

Snowfall (full expansion)
Natural Disasters (full expansion)
Mass Transit (full expansion)
High Tech Buildings (content creator pack)
Art Deco (content creator pack)
Relaxation Station (radio stations pack)
Rock City Radio (radio stations pack)

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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