Crayola Scoot

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 16/10/2018
  • Sports, Action & Adventure, Family & kids
  • 1.15 Go

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Creativity wins in this colorful freestyle scooter championship! In Crayola Scoot, more tricks mean more color – and color can change the world in impossible ways. So get ready to take on Scoot Legends in a rainbow of thrilling events, or grab 3 friends for a split-screen color clash. It’s time to make your mark on the scootpark!
• Create your own Crayola Scoot character and start your journey to becoming a scooter legend
• Perform insane tricks and jumps to splash your color and activate traps, boosts and shortcuts
• Upgrade your scooter and your rider’s style as you rise to fame and challenge for the championship

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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