Crossout — Assault Force: Bravo-6 (Lite edition)

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 11/05/2021
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Other, Racing & Flying
  • 0.01 Go

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- Unique armoured car MBT;
- New unique chassis “Tank track” (2 pcs.);
- Unique paint can “Rough sand”;
- Epic rocket launcher “Cricket” (2 pcs.);
- Special cabin “Jawbreaker”;
- A set of unique stickers;
- Maximum number of parts increased to 65.

Personal file No. 9113

Title: Captain
Operation call sign: Bravo-6
Specialization: tank commander
Due for military service in 2043.


A mechanical engineer, familiar with all pieces of military equipment and periodically improving his skills. After becoming the youngest graduate of the armor school, he acted as an instructor to his fellow cadets. He is a team player who listens to his subordinates and a good strategist, capable of making unconventional decisions during combat missions. Trained to use the AR interface and can coordinate the entire squad effectively with it.

Recommended for assignment to Operation “Return”.

The unique armoured cars presented in packs are known for their perfect balance of weapons, armour and speed in combat. To put the car in the garage, go to the “Packs” tab, select the desired armoured car and click the “Assemble” button.

When you purchase this pack, the number of parts that can be used to build a vehicle increases. Attention! Storage overflow is possible under certain conditions.

Buying the pack also gives early access to several faction-specific structural parts. These parts become available immediately upon purchase and are not issued again upon reaching the appropriate reputation level. Some parts are unique and can only exist in a single copy.

Paint cans are a way to make your armoured car different from the pack.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Crossout — Assault Force: Bravo-6 (Lite edition) ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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