Crossout - "Immortal Warrior" Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 30/05/2017
  • Racing & Flying
  • 0.01 Go

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This pack includes:

- Unique heavily-armored vehicle: ‘Revenant’;
- 88 mm. turret cannon ZS-34 Fat Man;
- Unique cabin ‘Carapace’;
- Unique character portrait: ‘Tankman’;
- Spray cans: Material: Quartz, Pattern: Will-o'-wisp;
- 3400 in-game coins.

After purchase and return to garage the game will offer you to automatically create new vehicle. You can also do this later - open blueprints menu, pick the vehicle and press "Load". For some parts you can only have one set of them on the account. When purchasing multiple packs with same parts they do not stack!

Purchasing a pack now additionally gives the player early access to some structural faction parts. These parts will become available immediately upon purchase and are not re-issued once the corresponding reputation level is reached.

Coins - is an in-game currency, which is used to buy vehicle parts from other users in the market and to pay the rent for the workbench to produce new parts. Note! If you purchase several packs, coins included in them stack!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Crossout - "Immortal Warrior" Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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