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  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 26/07/2019
  • Shooter
  • 0.40 Go

Preis von DOOM (1993) ansehen

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Developed by id Software, and originally released in 1993, DOOM pioneered and popularized the first-person shooter, setting a standard for all FPS games. An enhanced version was released on PC, consoles, and mobile devices in 2019. Now, you can get the enhanced version of the base game and the additional content here.

You’re a marine—one of Earth’s best—recently assigned to the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) research facility on Mars. When the UAC’s teleportation gateway between the moons of Phobos and Deimos malfunctioned, something evil was created: a portal to Hell. With the bases overrun by demons and your fellow marines dead; you must shoot your way out to survive.

The enhanced version makes it even easier for players to enjoy the original game on modern platforms, and includes:
- Upgraded visuals
- Improved mouse and keyboard controls
- Gamepad/controller support
- Widescreen resolution support
- Native 60 FPS support
- *Free, community add-on content--over 10 add-ons including Sigil, Rekkr, Syringe, Double Impact, Arrival, Revolution, and many more.
- Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed
- Local split-screen co-op and PvP
- *Log in with your Slayers Club account to receive a retro-inspired, Indigo DOOM Marine skin and matching nameplate for DOOM Eternal.

*Bethesda.net account required. See end user license agreement, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and additional details at bethesda.net.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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