  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/01/2020

Preis von DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Pre-Order Bundle ansehen

Dieses Spiel wurde seit 96h Stunden nicht aktuallisiert. Eine Preisaktuallisierung ist in Bearbeitung
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MTCGame 43.24 € (EUR)   43.24  


Pre-order DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT digitally and receive a Cooking Item that gives you permanent Melee ATK and HP stat boosts, a sub-quest, and an Early Unlock to a Training Menu that allows you to fight “Bonyu”, a new Character created by the author, Akira Toriyama.

Relive the story of Goku and other Z Fighters in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat, and train with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others. Explore the new areas and adventures as you advance through the story and form powerful bonds with other heroes from the DRAGON BALL Z universe.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Pre-Order Bundle


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