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  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/01/2025

Preis von DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe Edition ansehen

Dieses Spiel wurde seit 96h Stunden nicht aktuallisiert. Eine Preisaktuallisierung ist in Bearbeitung
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MTCGame 72.09 € (EUR)   72.09  


Early purchase bonus:
- Early Works Soundtrack Collection (Digital Edition)
A soundtrack featuring a total of 191 original music tracks from the series, including background music from titles spanning from "DYNASTY WARRIORS 2" to "DYNASTY WARRIORS 5 Empires," as well Omega Force's first title, "DYNASTY WARRIORS." The soundtrack can be played by accessing the main menu, Special Content, and then Music, and selecting "Early Works Soundtrack Collection."
- The early purchase bonus will be available for those who pre-order or who purchase the game by January 30, 2025.
- The soundtrack includes content that is also available for purchase on music streaming sites. Please be aware that the bonus may become available for purchase or for free as add-on content for this title at a later date.

"DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe Edition" consists of the main game and the contents listed below.

- Official Book & Original Soundtrack (Digital Edition)
The Official Book & Original Soundtrack can be accessed in game.
The Official Book is full of original illustrations of major events in the Three Kingdoms period, along with never-before-seen information about characters and charts depicting their relationships to one another, all centered around the grand story of the new "DYNASTY WARRIORS," told from the perspective of a single protagonist.
The Original Soundtrack includes the 20 original tracks that have been arranged for this title.

- Letters
Letters provide gold for buying things like weapons and portable items, and pyroxene for creating gems. When you select "New Game" and play through the story, letters will be delivered to you at Inns.
The letter that provide pyroxene will only be delivered after you reach the point in the game where it becomes possible to create gems.

- The main game "DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS" is also being sold as a standalone product. Please confirm that you have selected the correct product before making your purchase.
- The Official Book & Original Soundtrack are the digital versions of the Official Book (Japanese version) & Original Soundtrack included in the "Treasure Box" sold in some regions.
- These contents cannot be downloaded as separate files (PDF, MP3, etc.).
- None of these contents can be viewed or played outside of the game.
- Please be aware that bonuses and other contents may become available for purchase or for free as add-on content for this title at a later date.
- Images are taken from an in-development build. The final product may differ from the footage shown.
- If an add-on finishes installing while the game is running, it will become available after you return to the title screen.
- Only the Xbox Series X is available in 4K resolution. 4K resolution is not available for Xbox Series S.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe Edition


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