Dauntless - The Unseen Arrival Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/10/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing

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Make your dark allegiance known with a spooky collection of Unseen goodies. This one-time-only pack includes:
- "The Unseen" Arrival Emote*
- "Grinning Rictus" Lantern Skin*
- 1,800 Platinum (1,500 + 300 bonus!)
- 25 Patrol Chests*
- 8 Uncommon Cells* (Fortress x2, Conditioning x2, Cunning x2, Knockout King x2)
- 100 Supplies* (Frenzy Tonic x25, Blitz Tonic x25, Bulwark Tonic x15, Stamina Tonic x15, Ironhide Pylon x10, Lifespring Pylon x10)
- 100 Ace Chips*

*Visit the Core Breaker to redeem.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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