Deceive Inc. - Standard Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/03/2023

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Welcome, agent, to DECEIVE INC.

Go undercover as the world’s greatest secret agents in this multiplayer game of social stealth and subterfuge. Disguise yourself as anyone to blend into the crowd, deploy high-tech gadgets to gain the upper hand, and extract the package before the competition takes it for themselves! No trick is too dirty when you work for DECEIVE INC.

Game Features:

MEET THE SPIES - Pick your play style with a roster of diverse agents, each with their own customizable weapon and skillset. From world-renowned burglars to up-and-coming espionage sensations, DECEIVE INC. prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer.

GEAR UP - Create your loadout from a plethora of highly versatile gadgets. With agent's favorites like the Inflatable mat, holo-mimic, and bulletproof umbrella, our world-class R&D department has you covered. Literally.

MASTER YOUR DISGUISE - Use your trusty holographic watch to avoid detection and infiltrate restricted areas by disguising yourself as one of the various types of NPCs. Or equip the holo-mimic gadget to fully blend in by taking the form of inanimate objects like toilets, chairs, plants, and more!

VISIT EXOTIC LOCALES - While working for DECEIVE INC., you’ll visit many locations all over the globe. Teeming with sophisticated NPCs and full of secrets for you to discover, every map comes to life the minute you load into a match.

CHOOSE YOUR MODE - Squad up with other agents and craft the perfect heist in Teams mode, or squash the competition as a lone wolf in Solos.

DECEIVE INC. also features support for gaming in 4K HDR at 60 FPS on Xbox Series X|S

Want to get a taste of what it’s like to work at DECEIVE INC.? From November 11th to November 13th come join us for an invite-only Closed Alpha Internship! (Unpaid and potentially unsafe, of course)

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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