Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/07/2018

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Become the ultimate Ark Hunter.

Unlock all 4 initial base classes, the Crusader class, as well as the Engineer class (when it is released in game), $50 worth of Bits & more.

The Engineer Class, along with its exclusive outfit/tint, will be delivered when released in-game.

Bits are Defiance 2050's premium currency and can be used to purchase anything available from the Defiance 2050 in-game store.

$50 worth of Bits
Crusader Class + Outfit
Exclusive Crusader Outfit Tint
Engineer Class + Outfit*
Exclusive Engineer Outfit Tint*
Assault Class
Assassin Class
Guardian Class
Combat Medic Class
TMW Hannibal 800R ATV

*Disclaimer- Engineer Class, along with its outfit/tint, will be delivered when it goes live in-game (anticipated in Winter 2018).

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class Pack


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