Dragon's Dogma 2: Ring of Assurance - Adventurer's Safeguard

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 20/11/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 0.01 Go

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Note: The base game is required to use the items in this set. Please make sure you have updated to the latest version.

Pre-Order Bonus 2
- Ring of Assurance

Note: These contents are exclusive to the Arisen (player) and the Main Pawn. Support pawns cannot equip these contents.
This item cannot be gifted to other online players.
After purchase, the content will appear in your in-game storage after staying at an inn. Speak to an innkeeper to view your storage.
The above content may also become available at a later date.

DRAGON'S DOGMA is a trademark and/or registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD. and/or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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