  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 27/09/2019
  • Sports
  • 44.97 Go

Preis von EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20 ansehen

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Powered by Frostbite, EA SPORTS FIFA 20 for Xbox One brings two sides of The World’s Game to life - the prestige of the professional stage and an all-new authentic street football experience in EA SPORTS VOLTA. FIFA 20 innovates across the game, FOOTBALL INTELLIGENCE unlocks an unprecedented platform for gameplay realism, FIFA Ultimate Team offers more ways to build your dream squad, and EA SPORTS VOLTA returns the game to the street, with an authentic form of small-sided football.

CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE https://www.ea.com/games/fifa/fifa-20/fifa-20-game-and-offer-disclaimers FOR DETAILS.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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