Elite Dangerous: Horizons Extra Edition

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 03/06/2016
  • Action & Adventure, Racing & Flying, Multi-player Online Battle Arena, Strategy, Simulation

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Elite Dangerous is required in order to use the Elite Dangerous: Horizon Extra Edition.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons Extra Edition is a new season of major gameplay expansions for Elite Dangerous, beginning with Planetary Landings across the Elite Dangerous galaxy, available now with 1500 Frontier Points.

The first expansion, Planetary Landings introduces players to planet surfaces and the first all-new Surface Recon Vehicle (SRV) the ‘Scarab’. Scanning airless planets and moons brings new gameplay as players detect signals, crashed ships, mineral deposits, outposts and fortresses. Alone or with friends players will explore, mine and engage hostile forces as they attempt to infiltrate strongholds guarding valuable rewards. Players will explore new worlds, coasting over mountaintops, diving into canyons, landing on the surface and rolling out onto the surface in your SRV, all without loading times or breaks in gameplay.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons will continue to introduce new features and gameplay as the season continues into 2016, enriching the Elite Dangerous experience with new activities and new ways to play.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Elite Dangerous: Horizons Extra Edition ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

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