Enlisted - M3A1 Squad Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 18/12/2023

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This pack includes:

- A squad consisting of 6 crew members of level 4, including a premium APC driver
- A premium M3A1 armored personnel carrier
- 200 gold

The M3A1 is a half-track APC from WWII. It was delivered to the USSR under lend-lease and was well-rated by crews for its excellent capacity and high passability. It is armed with the 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun with an ammunition load of 2,200 rounds and a 12-second reload time. M3A1 has the maximum speed of 73 km/h, making it an irreplaceable means of delivering divisions to their positions. It is equipped with a powerful engine of 148 h.p. at 3,000 rpm, providing for a quick adaptation to battlefield changes.

- The APC can be used as a mobile rally point for the whole team.
- Players can choose weapons for each squad soldier by themselves.
- It can carry soldiers of allied squads. The total capacity of the M3A1 is 19 soldiers.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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