Fishing: Barents Sea - Line and Net Ships

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/12/2019
  • Simulation
  • 0.42 Go

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Expand your fleet of ships with this DLC, adding five new vessels to your game of Fishing: Barents Sea. The ships are either compatible with line or net fishing and comes with its very own quota - so drive out and fish to your heart's content! There is plenty opportunity to explore the seas in search of new fishing grounds! More ships mean more quotas to fill!

Five new ships
Two ships compatible with line fishing (Tobie and Fix)
Three ships compatible with line and net fishing (Moby D, Snarset, Sharky)

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Bundles die dieses item enthalten

Fishing: Barents Sea - Line and Net Ships ist in diesen Bundles verfügbar


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