Fishing Sim World®: Pro Tour - Gillhams Fishing Resort

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 18/07/2019
  • Sports, Simulation
  • 0.02 Go

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Gillhams is a fishing paradise located in the province of Krabi in the South West of Thailand. This holiday resort is on the bucket list of many anglers from all over the world due to the exotic species from South America and Asia that swim in its rich waters.

Despite only being 12 acres in size, arapaima, siamese carp, redtail catfish, mekong and black pacu are all new species with each reaching staggering weights. In fact, you can expect to find Arapaima to over an incredible 560lbs so using the strongest equipment available is a must.

With 5 new species of fish, as well as a small number of common carp and 25 different trophy fish to attempt to land, there is every chance of you catching a fish of a lifetime at this amazing venue.

Gillhams Fishing Resort is part of the Giant Carp pack that also features Wraysbury 1 South Lake.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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