For Honor® Y6S1 Battle Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/03/2022
  • Action & Adventure

Preis von For Honor® Y6S1 Battle Bundle ansehen

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What secrets do the relics reveal? Discover the Golden Age of Heathmoor with the Y6S1 Battle Bundle, which gives you access to 100 tiers of rewards and unlocks the next 25 tiers of progression.

This Battle Bundle include the following rewards for all 30 heroes:

- Instantly unlock the next 25 tiers in your current progression
- 1 execution and weapons set (per hero)
- 1 podium (per hero)
- 2 battle outfits (per hero)
- 2 effects (idle/emote/execution per hero)
- 10% bonus in battle points earned through completed matches
- Plus even more benefits!

The For Honor Y6S1 Battle Bundle offer is an extended offer of the Y6S1 Battle Pass.

The For Honor Y6S1 Battle Bundle is available until June 14, 2022, and is not eligible for refund.

(Source :


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