Fortnite - The High Stakes Club Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 20/09/2023
  • Action & Adventure

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One could certainly say that the Club does "slay" in their formal attire. Serve looks with The High Stakes Club pack. Includes:

- Joni the Scarlet Outfit
- Joni's Cape Back Bling
- Oath's Hold Pickaxe
- Joni's Most Formal Wrap
- Formal Lucien West Outfit
- Lavish Louie Back Bling
- Westward Knuckles Pickaxe
- Lucien's Look Wrap
- Huntress Helsie Outfit
- Cerulean Clawpack Back Bling
- Twice Bitten Pickaxe
- Haute Couture Helsie Wrap

Note: All Outfits include a LEGO Style.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Fortnite - The High Stakes Club Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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