Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition - Pre-Order

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/10/2016

Preis von Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition - Pre-Order ansehen

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Supports Xbox Play Anywhere: yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost.

A new saga begins for one of the most acclaimed video game franchises in history. After narrowly escaping an attack on their village, JD Fenix and his friends, Kait and Del, must rescue the ones they love and discover the source of a monstrous new enemy.
Season Pass, exclusive pre-order bonus “Brothers to the End” Elite Gear Pack and pre-order bonus Vintage Del Pack, both for use in Gears of War 4. The “Brothers to the End” Elite Gear Pack includes Old Man Marcus, Tomorrow Anya, Zombie Dom and two Golden Wave weapon skins. The Vintage Del Pack features Vintage Del and the Vintage Del emblem, two Vintage weapon skins and a special Vintage Del bounty.

Season Pass includes the exclusive Vintage VIP Pack, permanent access to 24 additional DLC maps (two per month per year) for private play, access to an exclusive Developer Playlist where new maps, modes and features can be tested prior to broad release and six Gear Packs.

* Online multiplayer features require Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately). Pre-order bonus offers available with pre-orders made prior to, or on May 25th 2017, on Xbox Store, Xbox.com, or at participating retailers. The ’Brothers to the End” and Vintage Del Pack will be unlocked at launch and is playable with Gears of War 4 game. Requires broadband internet to download, and 100GB of hard drive space. Offer not available in China. See www.GearsofWar.com for the latest information.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition - Pre-Order

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition - Pre-Order


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