1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 09/09/2016
  • Role Playing
  • 0.01 Go

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Pack includes the first four DLC to the 2015’s Best MMO, and an exclusive Palomino Horse in-game mount! Imperial City: Join a PvP-focused battle for the ancient seat of power at the heart of the Empire. Orsinium: Aid the Orcs as they rebuild their great capital city in the snow-capped mountains of Wrothgar. Thieves Guild: Become the newest recruit in the infamous guild of pickpockets, robbers, and thieves in a dangerous port city of Abah’s Landing. Dark Brotherhood: Join the merciless guild of assassins and carve a bloody swath across all of Tamriel.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Gold Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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