Greed: The Mad Scientist

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/03/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Classics, Family & kids
  • 2.84 Go

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Dr. Ralph Goodwin invented a miracle cure to heal the world from almost all types of diseases and he is going to present his elixir to the audience at a press conference the next day.

But today his research laboratory was destroyed, and the elixir seems lost forever. And so the last hope for his son, who is critically ill, is gone.

His daughter Sara jumps into action, searches the laboratory for any clues about the whereabouts of the elixir. She was not prepared to uncover the dark events of her own past.

Amid mad scientists and ruthless assassins, will you be able to find the elixir?

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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