Halo Wars 2: Serina & Spearbreaker Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 19/07/2017

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If you’re interested in both the history and the future of the war to control the Ark, this bundle gives you a chance to bring an old friend from the original Halo Wars back to the battlefield and also opens up the next front in the ongoing war between the Banished and the UNSC.

This bundle includes:
• The Serina Leader Pack, which puts powerful cryo units and attacks at your command to chill, freeze, and shatter your opponents with exciting combo attacks
• Operation: Spearbreaker puts you in the boots of an elite ODST squad tasked with stopping a new Banished threat against Captain Cutter and the USNC Spirit of Fire.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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