Heroes of Aerois Dragonlance Bundle Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 08/02/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Strategy

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The Heroes of Aerois Dragonlance Bundle includes five Skin & Feat packs that feature the High Rollers: Aerois crew decked out in gear to fight in the war of the lance! Collect these Krynn versions of the High Rollers: Heroes of Aerois Champions today!

Skins are alternate looks for your Champions that you can swap in and out whenever you want!

Feats are small, Champion-specific buffs that can be unlocked and assigned to your Champions. They offer an additional level of customization for your favorite Champions — and may even provide some new formation opportunities!

In this pack:
Dragonlance Aila Skin & Feat Pack
Dragonlance Lucius Skin & Feat Pack
Dragonlance Nova Skin & Feat Pack
Dragonlance Qillek Skin & Feat Pack
Dragonlance Sentry Skin & Feat Pack

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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