Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Year 1 Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/05/2021

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Year 1 Edition includes the full Hood: Outlaws & Legends game and the Year 1 Battle Pass Pack.

Year 1 Battle Pass Pack includes 3 Battle Passes to unlock during Year 1, covering 3 Seasons:

Ongoing Battle Pass:
• Season 1: Samhain - Battle Pass

Next Battle Pass:
• Season 2: Yule - Battle Pass
• Season 3: Ostara - Battle Pass

Each Battle Pass contains exclusive unlockable items, including outfits, weapon skins and banners.

Progress through tiers to unlock the cosmetics by playing games and earning experience points. Cosmetics are exclusive to a Battle Pass and can only be unlocked during the respective Season. When Season 2 arrives, Season 1 progress will be locked.

Some Battle Pass items are free, meaning any player can progress through the Battle Pass. You’ll need to buy the Battle Pass to unlock the paid items.

We are all Outlaws… but some of us will become Legends.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Year 1 Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Year 1 Edition


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