Hunt: Showdown - Crossroads

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/07/2020
  • Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

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In folklore, the Crossroads is a place situated between worlds, where one might encounter the supernatural, or make a deal with the devil.
Hunt: Showdown’s Crossroads weapon pack contains four weapons for Hunters of refined skill and taste – three firearms and a bomb lance. Add them to your arsenal at your enemies’ peril.
The weapons:

For the sailors who came and fought their way to the top of the AHA, the Shellback bomb lance was the weapon of choice for harpooning enemies both in water and on land. Both intimate and deadly.

Baptismal Blood
This Mosin-Nagant Avtomat is presented to Acolytes of the Night for their final initiation rite. If they pass or fail, they add either their enemies’ blood, or their own bone.

Sinner’s Prayer
The fine steel ornamentation on this Nitro Express is fit for a king – but the Sinners forfeit all titles. Those who carry it into the Louisiana swamps find themselves lords of a dark kingdom indeed.

Rite of Passage
Each who has risen in the ranks and completed the ritual should bear a sign of their prestige. For those who have made it, that sign is this Dolch, friend and companion for the darkest of trials.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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