Hunting Simulator Day One Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 11/07/2017

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Launch offer: purchase the game now and receive 2 exclusive official rifles as a bonus.

Discover your new hunting areas and finish hundreds of objectives alone or with your friends. Explore different environments, track your prey and become a better hunter - there will always be a new hunting adventure awaiting you!

– Experience the thrill of hunting with a campaign mode of 111 missions.
– Track 37 species each with realistic animal behaviors. Big or small game, predators, waterfowl…
– Explore 12 vast regions in Europe and North America, and adapt to the elements with dynamic weather and day / night cycle.
– Choose from among 17 different firearms (rifles, bows and crossbows) and close to 50 essential accessories.
– Improve your shooting skills in the "shooting range" and track all sorts of prey in "free hunt".
– Set off for adventure with three of your friends in multiplayer mode.
– Use a drone to explore your surroundings.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Hunting Simulator Day One Edition

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