Illusion : A Tale Of The Mind

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 01/06/2018
  • Action & Adventure, Puzzle & Trivia
  • 4.14 Go

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Illusion is a puzzle exploration game set in the ambience of the early 1920’s Parisian cabaret.
Step into the shoes of a young girl named Emma and live her adventures as she is trapped inside the mind of a mad man.
Embark on her journey through the mind’s-eye of her captors, living in a fractured world of old memories and festering wounds, that paradoxically reveals itself to be also a place of great beauty and intrigue.

Embrace the Illusion!
• A sinister and touching story
• Breath-taking mind’s-eye levels
• Beauty and death melded via surrealist inspired art
• Dark tale scarred by the Great War
• Taste the horror of war and fragility of life

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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