Injustice™ 2 - Standard Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 16/05/2017

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Pre-order Injustice 2 to play as Darkseid, one of the greatest villains in the universe.

Power up and build the ultimate version of your favorite DC legends in INJUSTICE 2.
•EVERY BATTLE DEFINES YOU: With every match you'll earn gear to equip, customize and evolve your roster.
•A NEW THREAT RISES: Picking up where Injustice left off, Batman struggles against Superman's regime, as a new threat appears that will put Earth's very existence at risk.
•THE BEST OF DC: Choose from the biggest DC Universe roster ever and battle across iconic locations in epic scale battles.
•BUILT BY NETHERREALM: Developers of the best-selling and critically acclaimed MORTAL KOMBAT franchise.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Injustice™ 2 - Standard Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Injustice™ 2 - Standard Edition


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