Insurgency: Sandstorm (pre-order)

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 29/09/2021

Preis von Insurgency: Sandstorm (pre-order) ansehen

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Pre-order now to receive two bonus skin packs: the Warlord Gear Set and the Peacemaker Gear Set!

Engage in realistic modern firefights in the definitive tactical FPS on consoles!

Battle in the war-torn environments of a contemporary conflict through a series of intense cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes. Featuring unparalleled immersion, feel every bullet and fear every impact in fierce close quarters combat.

Death comes fast. Manage ammunition carefully, and use tactics and teamwork to navigate environments as you fight towards victory. Coordinate fire support with your team and go head to head in thrilling action.

- Team up in intense 8-player co-operative gameplay
- Compete in objective-based PVP matches with up to 20 players
- Get immersed with realistic ballistics and stunning attention to detail
- Fully customize your character and weapons
- Unprecedented audio design with positional voice-chat for a heart-pounding atmosphere

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Insurgency: Sandstorm (pre-order)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Insurgency: Sandstorm (pre-order)


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