1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/10/2017
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Role Playing
  • 0.59 Go

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Build your JYDGE. Enter Edenbyrg. Get out alive.

JYDGE is a lawful but awful roguehate top-down shooter where you get to build your own cybernetic JYDGE and eradicate crime in the never-sleeping megacity of Edenbyrg.

Create your own play-style by augmenting your JYDGE, modifying your Gavel rifle, and choosing fearless companions to suit the tasks at hand.

- Choose your cybernetics, items, weapon mods, and companions from over a BILLION different configurations.
- Deal ruthless Jystice with lead, rockets, lasers, electricity, and other deadly tools of the law.
- Perform heroic feats to get extra medals and unlock new equipment.
- Team up with your CO-JYDGE for local co-op.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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