Killer Instinct 2 Classic

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 23/09/2014
  • Fighting
  • 0.56 Go

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Killer Instinct 2 Classic is included in the Season 2 Ultra Edition.

You must purchase Season 2 Ultra Edition to access.

Killer Instinct 2 Classic is a complete port of the original arcade hit from 1996. Thrown 2000 years back in time by Ultratech, the surviving combatants from the first tournament plus new fighters from across time must battle each other for the right to face Gargos and decide the fate of the world. Who among them truly has the killer instinct? This enhanced Xbox One version features competitive multiplayer over Xbox LIVE, an enhanced training & practice mode, and achievements.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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