LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/11/2017

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Pre-order the Deluxe Edition and get early access to the Agents of Atlas Character Pack! The Deluxe edition also includes:
• LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
• Season Pass
• Early access to the Classic Guardians of the Galaxy Character Pack
It’s about TIME! Join your favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains from different eras and realities as they go head-to-head with the time-traveling Kang the Conqueror in the all-new, original adventure, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2! Play as the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Green Goblin and dozens of other Marvel Super Heroes and Villains in this cosmic battle across the time-tossed city of Chronopolis! Travel across various lands and transport objects or characters through the centuries!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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