Lae'zel's Champions of Renown Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/08/2024

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We've bundled 5 of our favorite Champions to help you speed your progress in Idle Champions! Each Champion comes unlocked with 16 Gold Champion Chests filled with their gear. We've also included an exclusive Familiar & Champion Skin for Lae'zel, as well as two week-long potions to help supercharge your progress!

In This Pack:
- Includes base game
- Unlocks for the following Champions:
Gale (Seat 1), Lae'zel (Seat 2), Karlach (Seat 4), Hew Maan (Seat 8), and Nordom (Seat 9)
- An Exclusive Skin: Persistent Lae'zel
- An Exclusive Familiar: Snuggles the Sphynx Cat
- 80 Gold Champion Chests
16 Gold Gale Chests with 2 guaranteed Shiny equipment cards
16 Gold Lae'zel Chests with 2 guaranteed Shiny equipment cards
16 Gold Karlach Chests with 2 guaranteed Shiny equipment cards
16 Gold Hew Maan Chests with 2 guaranteed Shiny equipment cards
16 Gold Nordom Chests with 2 guaranteed Shiny equipment cards
- Two Week-Long Buff Potions: 1 Potion of the Gem Hunter and 1 Potion of the Gold Hunter

Skins are alternate looks for your Champions that you can swap in and out whenever you want!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Lae'zel's Champions of Renown Bundle


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