MLB® The Show™ 25

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 18/03/2025
  • Sports, Simulation, Family & kids
  • 0.32 Go

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Forge your baseball journey in The Show

Ignite your passion and build your very own path to greatness—from high school all the way to the Hall of Fame! Along the way, connect with iconic baseball stars in fan-favorite modes – updated with new ways to play.

Road to The Show:
• Begin your RTTS journey by playing High School and College games in The Amateur Years.
• Build the RTTS ballplayer you want, the way you want to. Craft Perks to your liking and utilize a revamped attribute progression system for full control of your player's development.

Franchise & March to October:
• Enjoy every moment of every game – or choose the key moments that matter, now with improvements to both Trade Logic and Defensive WAR.

Diamond Dynasty
• Collect and earn player cards in Diamond Dynasty: 360, as you craft your very own lineup – with no more time-limited season restrictions.
• Try out Diamond Quest with your squad! It’s a brand-new roguelike game mode, where rewards are yours to earn through moments, boss encounters and more.

Gameplay Improvements and Expansion:
• Experience exciting new gameplay in all modes: featuring a variety of all-new RTTS Impact Plays, G.O.A.T difficulty for the ultimate challenge, all-new Ambush Hitting for a more realistic “plan of attack” at the plate, faster online gameplay and hundreds of new animations for extreme realism – and much more!

• Celebrate history in Storylines while you learn about baseball legends and their amazing tales.

The Best Gets Better:
• Hear authentic High School and College audio—including metal bats and chain link fences—alongside enhanced stadium sound and fan chants, all powered by ShowTech.

(Source :

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