  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 25/11/2014
  • Classics, Card & Board, Family & kids
  • 1.17 Go

Preis von MONOPOLY PLUS ansehen

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It’s MONOPOLY for a new era! Play the classic game and watch the board come to life! A full 3D city at the center of
the board lives and evolves as you play. You own a miniature world that will interact with your progression throughout
the game and celebrate your achievements. Play the way you want - you can change the rules and adapt them to your
playing style. Use the Speed Die for a faster game or select from a catalogue of the top 6 House Rules. Win or lose,
the game allows you to take and display photos at key moments for an amplified social gaming experience. Monopoly PLUS raises the classic game to a new level!

Please note that the online mode of MONOPOLY PLUS is only available to owners of MONOPOLY PLUS.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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