MX vs ATV Legends Icon Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/06/2022

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The MX vs ATV Legends Icon Pack is the biggest collector’s edition in the MX vs ATV franchise history, only available for a limited time!

In addition to a customization pack and 22 extra tracks, the Icon Pack includes all 36 OEM vehicles from the top manufacturers in off-road racing. Honda, Husqvarna, Kawasaki, KTM, Polaris, Suzuki and Yamaha!

All 36 extra vehicles will be available when you start playing the game and the 22 extra tracks will launch across 3 DLC packs throughout 2022!

(Source :

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach MX vs ATV Legends Icon Pack

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in MX vs ATV Legends Icon Pack


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