Mass Effect™: Andromeda

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/03/2017
  • Role Playing
  • 45.98 Go

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Mass Effect: Andromeda travels deep into the Andromeda Galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you will lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory where we are the aliens. Take command as the Pathfinder, a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers, with deep progression and customization systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy.

As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromeda Galaxy and the hope for humanity lies on your shoulders, you must ask yourself – how far will you go?

HDR enhanced for richer, more luminous colors. HDR functionality available on Xbox One S with supported games and TVs.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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