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  • Erscheinungsdatum : 01/09/2017
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Media Player S PRO - Breathtaking audio & video playback!

This application supports the huge amount of media file formats like MKV, AVI, FLV, MPG, VOB, QuickTime, MOV, MP3, FLAC, ALAC, HEVC and more than 200 others.

Media Player S PRO provides you with perfect user experience allowing to adjust equalizer settings, create your own playlists, listen to the radio, watch online TV, YouTube Twitch, and that's not all.

Also Media Player S PRO allows you to play videos from Blu-ray and DVD disks if they are not protected. Notice, the application can not play DVDs and Blu-ray directly.

Looking for a fully-featured player?
Media Player S PRO is exactly what you need!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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