Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 27/02/2017
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 0.02 Go
Xbox Play Anywhere OPTIMIERT FÜR XBOX ONE X Nur im Bundle

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Go behind enemy lines to forge your army, conquer Fortresses and dominate Mordor from within. Experience how the award winning Nemesis System creates unique personal stories with every enemy and follower, and confront the full power of the Dark Lord Sauron and his Ringwraiths in this epic new story of Middle-earth.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, nothing will be forgotten.

Supports Xbox Play Anywhere: yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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