  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/06/2016

Preis von Mighty No. 9 PRE-ORDER BUNDLE ansehen

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You play as Beck, the 9th in a line of powerful robots, and the only one immune to a mysterious virus that has caused mechanized creatures the world over to go berserk. Run, jump, blast, and transform your way through 12 challenging stages using abilities stolen from your enemies to take down your fellow Mighty Number robots and confront the final evil that threatens the planet!

Classic 2D Action Transformed: Face off against your 8 Mighty brethren & unlock transformations as you defeat them, granting unique skills!
2-Player Mechanical Mayhem: Take on missions online with a friend as Beck and his partner, Call; Use their unique powers to overcome obstacles as a team, or go head-to-head in an Online Race Battle!
Extra Modes: Boss-rush Mode! Dozens of mini-missions & challenges! Toggleable 8-bit soundtrack! 2 unlockable extra difficulty modes!
Show the world your might: Use Beck's skills to chain together combos & earn those sweet S-Ranks, highscores, & leaderboard rankings!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Mighty No. 9 PRE-ORDER BUNDLE

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Mighty No. 9 PRE-ORDER BUNDLE


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